T-One Coach Electrotherapy device

T-One Coach is a 4-channel electrotherapy device recommended for occasional or amateur athletes for trauma prevention and muscle strengthening.

Technical Details

  • 4 connection cables (8 connectable electrodes)
  • Compensated biphasic square wave
  • Backlight graphic colour display
  • Adjustable intensity from 1 to 120 mA
  • Width impulse from 20 to 300 µs
  • Constant current generator
  • 2+2 users programs
  • 4,8 V rechargeable battery pack
  • Frequency from 1 to 150 Hz
  • Pre-adjusted time for each program


  • 16 TENS programs
  • 14 NEMS programs
  • 18 BEAUTY programs
  • 10 2+2 users programs


  • T-One Coach device
  • Self-adhesive square electrodes
  • Self-adhesive round electrodes
  • Battery charger
  • Electrodes position manual
  • 4 connection cables (8 connectable electrodes)
  • Self-adhesive rectangular electrodes
  • Ni-MH rechargeable battery
  • User manual
  • Carrying bag

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