Electrostimulation stimulation for denervated muscles, how it works


Stimulation for denervated muscle is a stimulation technique that allows activation, through specific induced electrical stimuli, of the muscles that have undergone denervation, thus an interruption in the continuity of the nerve-muscle circuit.

What does muscle denervation mean?

Denervation consists of a loss of continuity of the nerve circuitry from the central nervous system to the muscle, making voluntary control impossible.

Denervation can occur either by anatomical disruption, thus a lesion of the nerve or some of its components, or functional related to pathology and compressive phenomena.

Muscle denervation: symptoms and causes

The primary symptom of denervation is the inability to voluntarily activate the muscle; medical and instrumental diagnosis is made by electromyography and neurological examination

The causes

  • Trauma
  • Distraction, then nerve injury
  • Compression
  • Diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system
  • Outcomes of surgical procedures
  • Disc herniation

How is muscle denervation treated?

The treatment of denervation depends greatly on the cause; the medical approach aimed at removing the cause can be considered a must in many situations.

The main treatments, medical in nature, are surgery in cases where there is a direct mechanical cause. The pharmacological approach is mainly used in cases where there are problems related to impulse transmission, thus in cases where the denervation is more functional than anatomical.

Electrostimulation represents an important treatment option regardless of the cause of denervation and is useful both in aiding the resolution of the problem, when possible, and in maintaining the contractile capacity of the muscle and also its vascular functions in cases where a recovery of normal neuromotor function is not achievable.

The benefits of electrostimulation for those suffering from denervation

In cases of denervation, both functional and anatomical, electrostimulation is a valuable support to both the maintenance and recovery process in the rehabilitation phases.

With electrostimulation of denervated muscle, the restoration and normalization of the nerve impulse transmission process is promoted, in cases where it can be achieved. This is achieved through the combination of the tonifying effect at the muscle level, induced by the stimulation, which combats denervation atrophy as well as with the effect of induced activation of the muscle, which also performs a proprioceptive function at the level of the peripheral nervous system.

Even following any surgery, electrostimulation of the denervated muscle promotes better, as well as faster, recovery of residual muscle capacity.

One feature that places electrostimulation of denervated muscles at a very high level of effectiveness in the treatment of muscle denervation is its ability to maintain mechanical function of the muscle.

How stimulation of denervated muscles works

Stimulation of denervated muscles is by direct stimulation of muscle fibers by means of electric currents with specific characteristics, very different from those used for normo innervated muscles.

Through this type of electrical stimulation, the muscles, and specifically just the contractile component of the muscle, are able to maintain their characteristic of shortening and lengthening. Thus, the primary effect of this stimulation is to keep the muscles in a normal condition.

This aspect is crucial in the event that normal nerve signal transmission can be restored and thus return to being able to use the muscle voluntarily having resolved the origin of the pathology

Electrode placement

Electrostimulation, in order to stimulate the denervated muscle, requires some electrodes that can effectively transmit the stimulus from the electrostimulator to the muscle.

Electrodes are always placed in pairs; both electrodes of each pair should be placed on the same muscle group.

For example, if the muscle that has undergone denervation is the biceps, then the anterior muscle of the arm, both electrodes should be placed on that muscle, at both ends as shown in our video tutorial on electrode placement.

What is felt during stimulation of the denervated muscle

During the electrostimulation session of the denervated muscle, a rhythmic contraction of the muscle is felt, the intensity of stimulation, however, should not be uncomfortable.

For effective and comfortable stimulation, it is necessary that the electrodes are in good condition and no creams have been applied to the skin so as to optimize pulse transmission. In addition, a greater ease of application of the electrode, we recommend help with a spot finder pen. In this video we explain its usefulness and operation.

What are the contraindications

Contraindications only ne the same as traditional electrical stimulation the method is contraindicated for

  • Pacemaker wearers
  • Cardiac patients
  • Epileptic patients
  • Pregnant women
  • People suffering from phlebitis in an active state or thrombophlebitis
  • People affected by neoplasms or cancers
  • Skin lesions in the treatment area
  • Presence of synthetic media
  • Muscle injuries
  • Skin lesions in the treatment area
  • Presence of inflammatory states
  • Children
  • There are also situations in which use is contraindicated unless supervised by professionals

How to choose the device for electrostimulation therapy?

First of all, a premise must be made: even before purchasing a device for this type of therapy, we recommend that you conduct a session with your physical therapist so that you are educated on how to properly perform the treatment for denervated muscle

An electrostimulator in order to be used in the treatment of denervation disorders must have some specific characteristics:

  • Have available different specific currents (rectangular and triangular as an absolute necessity in addition to trapezoidal) for treatment of muscles
  • Have available within the scope of currents for denervated muscle different waveforms and different usable frequencies, so as to properly adapt to the physician’s requirements and individual needs
  • must be small so as to be easily transportable, since stimulation must occur, at least at some times on a daily basis
  • Must have the highest quality and safety standards in order to ensure patient comfort and safety
  • must be easy to manage
  • in the near future it should also have the ability to store a treatment history so that information can be shared with professionals in order to optimize the approach to telemedicine



I-Tech Medical Division products for treating denervation

Effective treatment of denervation requires advanced and specific electrotherapy devices. I-Tech Medical Division offers a range of products designed to meet these needs:

  • I-Tech Physio, 2 channels: a versatile and easy-to-use electrostimulator, ideal for stimulating denervated muscles, promoting functional recovery.
  • T-One Medi Pro, 4 channels: a professional device that offers specific programs for muscle rehabilitation, effectively supporting the recovery process.
  • T-One Rehab, 4 channels: designed for intensive therapeutic use, this device provides targeted protocols for the stimulation of denervated muscles, helping to improve muscle strength and endurance.

By choosing I-Tech Medical Division products, you can take advantage of cutting-edge solutions for the treatment of denervated muscles, supporting your rehabilitation process with safe and effective devices.

For more information on electrotherapy devices and how they can help you manage hyperhidrosis, visit the page of electrotherapy products on the official I-Tech Medical Division website.

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