Reference Clinical Studies
Health is a serious matter. Nothing we do is left to chance.
The therapeutic programs present within our devices are the result of in-depth bibliographic research. Consultation of the PubMed portal, one of the most authoritative in the medical literature, led to the analysis of thousands of clinical studies. From these articles we have extracted the therapy parameters on which we have designed our range of products.
- Roche P., Wright A., An investigation into the value of TENS for arthritic pain. Physio. Theory & Practice 6;25-33 – 1990;
- Alves-Guerreiro J., Noble G. et al., The effect of three electrotherapeutic modalities upon peripheral nerve conduction and mechanical pain threshold. Clinical Physiology 21(6): 704-711 – 2001;
- Bodofsky, E. , Treating carpal tunnel syndrome with lasers and TENS. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 83(12): 1806; author reply 1806-7 – 2002;
- Brosseau L., Milne S. et al., Efficacy of the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the treatment of chronic low back pain. Spine 27(6): 596- 603 – 2002;
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- Chandran P., Sluka K.A., Development of opioid tolerance with repeated transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation administration.Pain 102: 195-201 – 2003;
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- Chesterton L. S., Foster N.E. et al., Effects of TENS frequency, intensity and stimulation site parameter manipulation on pressure pain thresholds in healthy human subjects. Pain 106(1-2): 73-80 – 2003;
- Cosmo P., Svensson H. et al., Effects of transcutaneous nerve stimulation on the microcirculation in chronic leg ulcers. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 34(1): 61-4 – 2000;
- Gadsby J. G., Flowerdew M.W., Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for chronic low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2 – 2000;
- Johnson M. I., The clinical effectiveness of TENS in pain management. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 12(2): 131-49 – 2000;
- Lone A. R., Wafai Z. A. et al., Analgesic efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation compared with Diclofenac Sodium in osteoarthritis of the knee. Physiotherapy 89(8): 478-485 – 2003;
- Palmer, S. T., Martin D. J. et al., Effects of electric stimulation on C and A delta fiber-mediated thermal perception thresholds. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85: 119-128 – 2004;
- Roche P., Tan H.-Y. et al., Modification of induced ischaemic pain by placebo electrotherapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 18: 131-139 – 2002;
- Sherry J. E., Oehrlein K.M. et al., Effect of burst-mode transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on peripheral vascular resistance. Physical Therapy 81(6): 1183-91 – 2001;
- Sluka K. A., Walsh D., Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: basic science mechanisms and clinical effectiveness. J Pain 4(3): 109-21 – 2003;
- Walsh D. M., Noble G. et al., Study of the effects of various transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) parameters upon the RIII nociceptive and H-reflexes in humans. Clin Physiol 20(3): 191-9 – 2000;
- Wang R. Y., Chan R.C. et al., Effects of thoraco-lumbar electric sensory stimulation on knee extensor spasticity of persons who survived cerebrovascular accident (CVA). J Rehabil Res Dev 37(1): 73-9 – 2000;
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- Johnson M.I., Tabasam G., An investigation into the analgesic effects of different frequencies of the amplitude – modulated wave of interferential current therapy on cold – induced pain in normal subject;
- Garrison D., Foreman R.,Decreased activity of spontaneous & noxiously evoked dorsal horn cells during TENS. Pain 58(3);309-315 – 1994;
- Walsh D., Baxter, D., Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – A review of experimental studies. Eur J Med Rehabil 6(2);42-50 – 1996;
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- Farneti R., Terapia fisica e riabilitazione. Editore Wasserman – 1972 Milano;
- Izzo, La stimolazione elettrica transcutanea nella terapia del dolore. Editore Menarini – 1992;
- Kotz, Allenamento muscolare con il metodo dell‘elettrostimolatore – 1975;
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- Ellis B., A retrospective study of long term users of TNS. Br J Therapy & Rehabilitation 3(2);88-93 – 1996;
- Han J. et al., Effect of low and high frequency TENS on Metenkephalin-Arg-Phe and dynorphin A immunoreactivity in human lumbar CSF. Pain 47(3);295-298 – 1991;
- Garrison D., Foreman R.,Decreased activity of spontaneous & noxiously evoked dorsal horn cells during TENS. Pain 58(3);309-315 – 1994;
- Walsh D., Baxter, D., Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – A review of experimental studies. Eur J Med Rehabil 6(2);42-50 – 1996;
- Gigante G., Severini G., Terapia fisica strumentale. Editore Ermes – 1997, Milano;
- Rocco N., Zucco F., Il dolore muscolo scheletrico. Editore Verduci – 1990 Roma;
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- Gialanella B., D’Alessandro G., Santoro R., Terapia fisica pratica. Editore Marrapese – 1994 Roma;
- Risaliti M., Elettrostimolazione: metodica integrativa di potenziamento muscolare. AIPAC – 1997.
- Cossu M., Elettroterapia. Basi fisiologiche ed applicazioni cliniche. Editore Ghedini – 1991 Milano;
- Drigo – Juliani, Elettroterapia. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana USES, II edizione – 1979 Firenze;
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- Izzo, La stimolazione elettrica transcutanea nella terapia del dolore. Editore Menarini – 1992;
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- Walsh D., TENS: Clinical Applications & Related Theory. Churchill Livingstone – 1997;
- Ellis B., A retrospective study of long term users of TNS. Br J Therapy & Rehabilitation 3(2);88-93 – 1996;
- Han J. et al., Effect of low and high frequency TENS on Metenkephalin-Arg-Phe and dynorphin A immunoreactivity in human lumbar CSF. Pain 47(3);295-298 – 1991;
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- Austoni E. et al, Terapia chirurgica dell’IPP: uso degli innesti dermici e in Gore Tex. Atti Workshop Internazionale su : “Progressi e ricerche sull’Impotenza”. 150, Milano, Università degli Studi – 1987;
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