Etudes Cliniques de Référence
La santé est une chose sérieuse. Dans l’activité que nous menons, rien n’est laissé au hasard.
Les programmes thérapeutiques à l’intérieur de nos dispositifs sont le fruit d’une recherche bibliographique approfondie. La consultation du portail PubMed, l’un des plus éminents en matière de littérature médicale, a conduit à l’analyse d’innombrables études cliniques. De ces articles, nous avons extrait les paramètres de thérapie à partir desquels nous avons conçu notre gamme de produits.
- Roche P., Wright A., An investigation into the value of TENS for arthritic pain. Physio. Theory & Practice 6;25-33 – 1990;
- Alves-Guerreiro J., Noble G. et al., The effect of three electrotherapeutic modalities upon peripheral nerve conduction and mechanical pain threshold. Clinical Physiology 21(6): 704-711 – 2001;
- Bodofsky, E. , Treating carpal tunnel syndrome with lasers and TENS. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 83(12): 1806; author reply 1806-7 – 2002;
- Brosseau L., Milne S. et al., Efficacy of the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the treatment of chronic low back pain. Spine 27(6): 596- 603 – 2002;
- Carrol E. N., Badura A. S., Focal intense brief transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation for treatment of radicular and postthoracotomy pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 82(2): 262-4 – 2001;
- Chandran P., Sluka K.A., Development of opioid tolerance with repeated transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation administration.Pain 102: 195-201 – 2003;
- Chesterton L. S.,Barlas P. et al., Sensory stimulation (TENS): effects of parameter manipulation on mechanical pain thresholds in healthy human subjects. Pain 99: 253-262 – 2002;
- Chesterton L. S., Foster N.E. et al., Effects of TENS frequency, intensity and stimulation site parameter manipulation on pressure pain thresholds in healthy human subjects. Pain 106(1-2): 73-80 – 2003;
- Cosmo P., Svensson H. et al., Effects of transcutaneous nerve stimulation on the microcirculation in chronic leg ulcers. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 34(1): 61-4 – 2000;
- Gadsby J. G., Flowerdew M.W., Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for chronic low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2 – 2000;
- Johnson M. I., The clinical effectiveness of TENS in pain management. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 12(2): 131-49 – 2000;
- Lone A. R., Wafai Z. A. et al., Analgesic efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation compared with Diclofenac Sodium in osteoarthritis of the knee. Physiotherapy 89(8): 478-485 – 2003;
- Palmer, S. T., Martin D. J. et al., Effects of electric stimulation on C and A delta fiber-mediated thermal perception thresholds. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85: 119-128 – 2004;
- Roche P., Tan H.-Y. et al., Modification of induced ischaemic pain by placebo electrotherapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 18: 131-139 – 2002;
- Sherry J. E., Oehrlein K.M. et al., Effect of burst-mode transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on peripheral vascular resistance. Physical Therapy 81(6): 1183-91 – 2001;
- Sluka K. A., Walsh D., Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: basic science mechanisms and clinical effectiveness. J Pain 4(3): 109-21 – 2003;
- Walsh D. M., Noble G. et al., Study of the effects of various transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) parameters upon the RIII nociceptive and H-reflexes in humans. Clin Physiol 20(3): 191-9 – 2000;
- Wang R. Y., Chan R.C. et al., Effects of thoraco-lumbar electric sensory stimulation on knee extensor spasticity of persons who survived cerebrovascular accident (CVA). J Rehabil Res Dev 37(1): 73-9 – 2000;
- Interferential stimulation for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, California Technology Assessment Forum ;
- Johnson M.I., Tabasam G., An investigation into the analgesic effects of different frequencies of the amplitude – modulated wave of interferential current therapy on cold – induced pain in normal subject;
- Garrison D., Foreman R.,Decreased activity of spontaneous & noxiously evoked dorsal horn cells during TENS. Pain 58(3);309-315 – 1994;
- Walsh D., Baxter, D., Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – A review of experimental studies. Eur J Med Rehabil 6(2);42-50 – 1996;
- Gigante G., Severini G., Terapia fisica strumentale. Editore Ermes – 1997, Milano;
- Rocco N., Zucco F., Il dolore muscolo scheletrico. Editore Verduci – 1990 Roma;
- USL N°9, Attività di fisioterapia nel servizio di patologia da sport 1989-1993. Sanvitese S.Vito al Tagliamento (PN);
- Gialanella B., D’Alessandro G., Santoro R., Terapia fisica pratica. Editore Marrapese – 1994 Roma;
- Risaliti M., Elettrostimolazione: metodica integrativa di potenziamento muscolare. AIPAC – 1997.
- Cossu M., Elettroterapia. Basi fisiologiche ed applicazioni cliniche. Editore Ghedini – 1991 Milano;
- Drigo – Juliani, Elettroterapia. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana USES, II edizione – 1979 Firenze;
- Farneti R., Terapia fisica e riabilitazione. Editore Wasserman – 1972 Milano;
- Izzo, La stimolazione elettrica transcutanea nella terapia del dolore. Editore Menarini – 1992;
- Kotz, Allenamento muscolare con il metodo dell‘elettrostimolatore – 1975;
- Lissoni, L’elettroterapia. SEE – 1979.
- Walsh D., TENS: Clinical Applications & Related Theory. Churchill Livingstone – 1997;
- Ellis B., A retrospective study of long term users of TNS. Br J Therapy & Rehabilitation 3(2);88-93 – 1996;
- Han J. et al., Effect of low and high frequency TENS on Metenkephalin-Arg-Phe and dynorphin A immunoreactivity in human lumbar CSF. Pain 47(3);295-298 – 1991;
- Garrison D., Foreman R.,Decreased activity of spontaneous & noxiously evoked dorsal horn cells during TENS. Pain 58(3);309-315 – 1994;
- Walsh D., Baxter, D., Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – A review of experimental studies. Eur J Med Rehabil 6(2);42-50 – 1996;
- Gigante G., Severini G., Terapia fisica strumentale. Editore Ermes – 1997, Milano;
- Rocco N., Zucco F., Il dolore muscolo scheletrico. Editore Verduci – 1990 Roma;
- USL N°9, Attività di fisioterapia nel servizio di patologia da sport 1989-1993. Sanvitese S.Vito al Tagliamento (PN);
- Gialanella B., D’Alessandro G., Santoro R., Terapia fisica pratica. Editore Marrapese – 1994 Roma;
- Risaliti M., Elettrostimolazione: metodica integrativa di potenziamento muscolare. AIPAC – 1997.
- Cossu M., Elettroterapia. Basi fisiologiche ed applicazioni cliniche. Editore Ghedini – 1991 Milano;
- Drigo – Juliani, Elettroterapia. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana USES, II edizione – 1979 Firenze;
- Farneti R., Terapia fisica e riabilitazione. Editore Wasserman – 1972 Milano;
- Izzo, La stimolazione elettrica transcutanea nella terapia del dolore. Editore Menarini – 1992;
- Kotz, Allenamento muscolare con il metodo dell‘elettrostimolatore – 1975;
- Lissoni, L’elettroterapia. SEE – 1979.
- Walsh D., TENS: Clinical Applications & Related Theory. Churchill Livingstone – 1997;
- Ellis B., A retrospective study of long term users of TNS. Br J Therapy & Rehabilitation 3(2);88-93 – 1996;
- Han J. et al., Effect of low and high frequency TENS on Metenkephalin-Arg-Phe and dynorphin A immunoreactivity in human lumbar CSF. Pain 47(3);295-298 – 1991;
- Zanotti R., Coloproctologia, Stomia e incontinenza. Editore Carocci – 2006;
- Aspetti clinici della riabilitazione uro ginecologica. Rvista italiana Colon – Proctologia Vol.12 1993;
- Di Benedetto P., Zampa A., Le indagini urodinaniche nell’incontinenza urinaria da sforzo. Riabilitazione uro ginecologica. Editore Sossella – 1986 Udine;
- Zanollo A., Fanciullacci F., Uroriabilitazione. Neurologia e uroriabilitazione. Edizioni CLEUP – Padova 1993.
- Cisari, Fisioterapia Clinica Pratica. EdItore Ermes;
- Cossu, Elettroterapia. Editore Ghedini;
- Randal Braddom, Medicina fisica e Riabilitazione. Editore Delfino;
- Austoni E. et al, Terapia chirurgica dell’IPP: uso degli innesti dermici e in Gore Tex. Atti Workshop Internazionale su : “Progressi e ricerche sull’Impotenza”. 150, Milano, Università degli Studi – 1987;
- Austoni E. et al., Terapia medica del morbo di La Peyronie : valore e significato di un protocollo di trattamento farmacologico intensivo. Atti V Congresso Società Italiana di Andrologia, 47, Bologna – 1987;
- Austoni E. et al., RNM dinamica del pene : nostra esperienza su 68 pazienti portatori di patologia dei corpi cavernosi . Arch. It. Urol. LIX : 11-23 – 1987;
- Cohen E. et al., Peyronie’s Disease : surgical experienceand presentation of proximal approach. J.Urol., 142:240-242 – 1989;
- Pienkowski D., Pollack S.R., Brighton C.T., Griffith N.J., Low-power electromagnetic stimulation of osteotomized rabbit fibulae. A randomized, blinded study. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1994 76: 489-501;
- Basset C.A.,Mitchell S.N., Gaston S.R. (1981), Treatment of ununited tibial diaphyseal fractures with pulsing electromagnetic fields. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1981; 63:511-523;
- Mc Leod K.J.,Rubin C.T.,The effect of low-frequency electrical fields on osteogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1992; 74:920-929;
- Bassett C.A., Mitchell S.N., Schink M.M., Treatment of therapeutically resistant non – unions with bone grafts and pulsing electromagnetic fields. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1982;64:1214-1220;
- C.T. Rubin, K.J. McLeod, L.E. Lanyon (1989). Prevention of osteoporosis by pulsed electromagnetic fields. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1989;71:411-417;
- Brighton C.T., Pollack S.R., Treatment of recalcitrant non – union with a capacitively coupled electrical field. A preliminary report. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1985;67:577-585.
- Bassett C.A.L., Pawluk R.J., Pilla A.A., Augmentation of bone repair by inductively coupled electromagnetic fields. Science 184, 575-577 – 1974;
- Bassett C.A.L., Biomedical implications of pulsing electromagnetic fields. Surgical Rounds (Jan) 22-31 – 1983;
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- Goodman R., Bassett C.A.L., Henderson A.S., Pulsing electromagnetic fields induce cellular transcription. Science 220, 1283-1285 (1983);
- Barker A.T., Lunt M.J., The effects of pulsed magnetic fields of the type used in the stimulation of bone fracture. Clin. Phys. Physiol. Meas. 4,1-27;
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- Bistolfi P., Bistolpi P., Contributo clinico alla ultrasuonoterapia. Min.Pisiot. vol 2° pag.32;
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- Corradi C., Mattai del Moro V., Risultati di un biennio di ultrasuonoterapia nel campo ortopedico. Arch. Ortop. Vol. 46, pag. 52 – 1953;
- Franz E., Il trattamento fisico delle rigidità articolari post – traumatiche. Atti 38° Congresso SIOT, pag. 287 – 1953;
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